The Old Elizabethan Association was founded in 1891 and has an elected Committee which includes a President, Secretary and Treasurer. 

The Association runs an annual programme of events and recently launched its new website, Network OE, to provide members with resource to find old friends and establish new connections.

Andrew Niles (7423) – President

While at college, I enjoyed the comradeship, the feeling of belonging, and the friendships that endured beyond my years there. I enjoyed Maths, Classical Studies, CCF, and Economics. What I didn’t like were the cross-country runs through Haviland Hall estate.

College gave me the confidence to go into the world, meet people and accept challenges and responsibility. It enabled me to pursue a career in banking that sustained me across Asia and Europe and provided me with the ethos to continue to study, learn and improve myself.

Although I joined the OEA immediately after leaving school, it wasn’t until 20 years after that I re-engaged with the Association at a dinner in London. I was surprised at that dinner just how much I enjoyed meeting old friends, learning how College was doing and, importantly, where it was going. Since 2006, I have ensured that I have always attended a dinner in either Guernsey or London. It is important that the college remains vibrant and relevant and contributes positively to its community in Guernsey and to our global network of OEs.

Andy is married to Jane, and they have two sons, Max and Sam.

Kin Tang (8786) – Secretary

Kin was born in Guernsey in 1981 and has over 15 years experience working the financial services industry having worked in Fiduciary, Investment Management and Family Office sectors. He holds qualifications in Trust and Estate management, Family Business Advising and Investment Management. 

Kin started his career at Credit Suisse Trust Limited in Guernsey after completing a degree in Business Management at Plymouth University. Thereafter, he went onto become a Partner of privately owned fiduciary and investment company's based in Switzerland as well as holding a non-executive position in an asset management firm in Singapore. He also acted on the board and on the investment committee of those companies as well as investment advisor to a fund listed on TISE. Kin was extensively involved in the restructuring of these companies liaising with tax advisors and appropriate regulators on an ongoing basis. His client base have been predominantly UK Non-Dom/corporate, Hong Kong and Swiss based.

Kin is married with two young children, Rupert and Beatrice.

Treasurer – Martyn Le Pelley

I was born into a farming family in Guernsey, but my mother was a teacher, and her brother, my uncle, attended Elizabeth College and gave me an insight into its potential. He went on to become a senior executive in a UK chemical firm, whereas I was less interested in science, and more into maths and English. I studied Accountancy, Finance and Economics at University before qualifying as a Chartered Accountant with PwC and working for 10 years in their London office in insurance. I'm now global head of risk and compliance for an insurance management business. Through my university years and career I have made friends around the world, and have worked in some pretty exotic places. That's the legacy which College gave me, the confidence to do anything and go anywhere, and still enjoy the company of my old school friends at OE events when we share stories of life's experiences and reminisce about the place where it all started. I'm sure my son, who is at College, is benefiting from it, like I did.

Martin is married to Hannah, and has one son, Thomas.


The Old Elizabethan Association (OEA) is the vibrant membership organization for alumni of Elizabeth College. Our mission is to foster connections that last beyond your years at College. With a rich and diverse global community, we invite you to become a part of this lifelong network.

A full calendar of OEA events is organised by the College Development Office including the cherished Guernsey and London dinners to exciting sporting events and informal social events. The OEA proudly supports Elizabeth College with financial grants such as the refurbishment of the All-Terrain Pitch at Memorial Field.

Awards are another way the Association gives back to College, with contributions towards the cost of off-island courses and expeditions being made to deserving students. In the past awards have been made to support a variety of activities ranging from British Schools’ Exploring Society expeditions to music seminars ensuring students can pursue their passions beyond the classroom.

Finally, OE sport is thriving, with OE representatives for hockey, cricket, football, golf and many other sports. There are annual matches held throughout the year and for more information on how you can get involved, please contact the Development Office.

In 2024, we celebrate the 200th anniversary of the rechartering of Elizabeth College, a pivotal moment in our history that saw a revitalisation of the school, the fraternity and the enduring positive impact on the island. By joining the OEA you are becoming a part of a legacy that spans generation. Connect, engage, and thrive with us at the Old Elizabethan Society.

Subscription Rates

Since 2013, all students at Elizabeth College have been given the opportunity to join the OEA through termly instalments that span their time at school. This has been a great success and is building a young and vibrant membership. Any Old Elizabethans wishing to purchase life membership of the Association outside of this arrangement are required to make a payment of £500, however for 2024 only, we are offering a reduced joining fee for those OEs who are not yet members of the Association and are interested in signing up.


The Old Elizabethan Association

01481 728217

Charity Registration Number


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